Friday, May 21, 2021

Introduction to B'ings

             Hello, if you’re reading this, you know I’m Tim Cubbin. If you’re reading this, it’s for two reasons, although you can be reading this for only one, actually. The first is you know me. This is either personally or by reputation. Some of you have been to my blog before and want to see what I have to write, and some of you have met me or are a Facebook friend or a Twitter follower, or have seen my Bipolar Opposites YouTube Channel. The second is you want to know what a “B’ing” is. So I’ll tell you.

            A “B’ing” is an abbreviation. What is this abbreviation you ask? Well, I’m trying to keep this blog with a G rating, but it can also mean “complaining.” I’m sure you get it now. So my B’ings will be complaints.

            For those who know me personally, you know I’m full of complaints. This is because I have Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder. Little things bother me. Like, say for example: I watch the TV game show “Jeopardy!” every day. For those of you who don’t know “Jeopardy!” it’s a quiz show that gives clues the contestants solve, going by categories and money value. Round one has thirty questions in six categories, each with five questions, but I’m sure you could do the math here, you’re smart, you’re educated, right? Each category has a money value of $200, $400, $600, $800, and $1000 with one daily double where you wager a bet and either gain or lose the bet based obviously if you get it right. Round two is almost the same, but has values of $400, $800, $1200, $1600, and $2000 with two daily doubles. Final Jeopardy is where again you make a bet, on one final question. So how does this bother my OCD? You don’t have to answer the questions in value order. For example, you can answer the $600, then $1000, then $400 then $800, then $200. And you can jump around categories. This drives me crazy! Can’t you just answer them in order by value? Is that too much to ask? I know people are trying to build up a big bank, and the daily double doesn’t appear on the $200 question in round one or the $400 in round two because the daily double obviously helps build the bank, and I know this is strategy, and yet still it bothers me. And that, right there, is a B’ing.

            Now you kind of can guess what you’ll be reading regularly when you see a B’ing posted, if, of course, you actually want to read a blog of me complaining. But, I mean, this blog is called “From the Mind of One Tim Cubbin” and this is my mind. So you might see me writing B’ings around television commercials, movie/TV show/book faults, and societal norms. Believe me, I have a lot of complaints, but don’t we all? Some of you may even share my opinions, or this can give you something new to think about, I honestly don’t know. But this new series will totally let you meet the real Tim Cubbin, if of course you don’t already know me. If you want to know more, read on, feel free to comment, send a friend request on Facebook (I’m always looking for new friends), follow me on Twitter, I will literally always want to know my fans, just contact me and I honestly will always answer. Heck, you can even tell me what you want me to B’ing about, that would be great!

            So that’s it for now, please come back if you like this, whatever, but for overall, Tim Cubbin… out!

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