Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Allow Me to Introduce Myself… Part Three


Just so you can really feel like you know me, I think I should share my personal interests. My absolute favorite thing in the world is Marvel. I am a die. Hard. Marvel comics fan. As a child growing up, I, like many kids, watched cartoons. Saturday morning was something I looked forward to all week. I already posted how I love Spider-Man, but if you missed my previous posts, now you know. Spider-Man was my absolute favorite cartoon when I was a kid, but I also enjoyed Batman and Superman, but when I hit my teenage years, DC lost its appeal. I first saw the “X-Men: Evolution” animated series when I was twelve, and was hooked, and then I loved the movie, and then I picked up an “Uncanny X-Men” comic book, and kept going. When I started reading comics, I stuck mostly with X-Men and the Ultimate Marvel series. I read the comics and graphic novels religiously, and subscribed to several series when I was in middle school. By high school, I got back into Spider-Man. I even branched out to Avengers and Fantastic Four by college, but stopped reading comics regularly for several years, but I did get graphic novel collections. When I was let go from work was when I subscribed to over a dozen series and went to a comic book store on a weekly occasion, buying every new Marvel comic. Unfortunately my comic book store closed and again I went several years without reading comics. Then in 2019, I subscribed to Marvel Unlimited, which is a service that gives access to a mass collection of comics, both old and new and is updated every week. I read everything that gets added every week now, even things I don’t always think I’ll like. Hey, you never know if you’ll like something unless you try it, and you never know how series impact each other. I also love watching all the Marvel movies and usually attend each movie opening day. I love watching the Marvel shows such as “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” and the Netflix and Hulu series’, and anticipate the Disney+ shows. I am also not ashamed to admit I still watch some of the cartoons on Disney+.

I am also known to like video games. My favorite series is Final Fantasy. I love the characters and stories and music. My favorite video game is “Final Fantasy X,” my favorite character is Wakka. I’ll talk more about this in future posts, but I have a bearded dragon I named Wakka. I’ve also been to the Distant Worlds concert series twice. It’s a live orchestrated performance of popular songs from the Final Fantasy video game series that tours worldwide. My favorite singer Susan Calloway tours with the concert, and she is amazingly talented and a delightful person. I also enjoy the Kingdom Hearts video game series, as well. My specialty in video games are RPGs, and if a good one is made, I might play it. And, of course, I play the Marvel video games. My favorite was “Ultimate Spider-Man.” I wasn’t very good at the main story, but web swinging was a good calm down for after school.

Another interest of mine is Godzilla. I saw my “King Kong vs Godzilla” when I was five and became an instant fan. I also enjoy most horror movies, which is amusing since as a child anything could scare me. Science fiction is a favorite genre of mine, both movies and books.

I am a big fan of the “Harry Potter,” “The Hunger Games,” “The Lord of the Rings” and “A Song of Ice and Fire” books and movies as well, and I could totally go on for ages on other books I like to read and movies I like to watch, but I don’t think it would be compelling for me to ramble on now, but I may include more details in future posts as my opinions in a structured format would be desirable.

And I think I’ll end here. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me as we start this venture together, and if you did, feel free to keep coming back because I have so much good content to share, including my short stories, book and movie reviews, poems, and editorial pieces, and even an ongoing superhero story which I hope you’ll find interesting as well, and if you are so inclined, you can spread the word of this little blog. Hope you’ll be back. Till next time, Tim Cubbin… out!

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