Sunday, September 20, 2020

Allow Me to Introduce Myself… Part One


Hello there, and welcome to From the Mind of One Tim Cubbin! In case you can’t guess, my name is Timothy Cubbin, but everyone calls me “Tim,” so you can get used to that, too.

So for starters, I’d like to tell you a bit about myself first, so you can feel like you know me as you journey through the weirdness of my mind. At present I am thirty-two years old and live in Continental Village, New York. I have lived there for almost my entire life except for three years while I attended college at C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University, which is, of course, on Long Island, New York, so I’ve never spent any length of time out of New York. I never actually finished college there, we’ll say I had a little too much of a good time, but I finished college with University of Phoenix Online. My associate’s degree is in education. My bachelor’s degree, however, is in the English arts, where I specialized in journalism. I’ve always wanted to be a professional writer. I’ve been doing creative writing projects since I was six years old. I’ve always had a very active imagination and love getting ideas down in print. I’ve actually been published twice, once while I was elementary school in a children’s poetry anthology and once several years back in a book on mental illness. In these examples, however, I didn’t write fiction, but one of my fortes is in fiction/fantasy. I’ve even been working on a drama novel series and hope to one day be a published author. People always ask me why, since I majored in English I didn’t take a concentration in creative writing. My answer is simple: I want to be a published author, sure, but I needed something to fall back on, in case I don’t professionally make it as an author. My particular reason for choosing journalism is because I am a very big Spider-Man fan and dreamt of becoming a photographer as a kid, but I learned I don’t have the proper talents with the camera, while as a writer I do have the proper skills, so journalism had its appeal. Still, despite having an English degree, my grammar while writing isn’t perfect, but then again, who is perfect and can say writing improper grammar is not desirable? It does have its appeals.

So why I’m doing this blog? To use my creative writing and journalistic talents to get noticed. I’ve done research into getting published, and it’s not easy. For some bizarre reason, most publishers aren’t interested in taking on new authors. How any writer gets a start is beyond me. But having a blog and getting out there? Seems a good way to get noticed.

But I’m getting ahead of myself here. You should know the kinds of things you’ll find on this blog. Well, I’ve written several short stories is recent years, and getting them published in a literary magazine is the same challenge of getting a novel published, if not worse. So, I think you all might enjoy seeing these stories, so I’ll be posting those. I also have some free-verse poetry talent. I’m not some poetic wordsmith who can make rhymes or format, but poems don’t need to rhyme, no matter what anyone says. You can also see pieces I write, such as essays, articles, and editorials, as well as book and movie reviews.

I’ll leave off here for now, but this introduction is not over, so come back next time for more about me. Until next time, Tim Cubbin… out!

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