Saturday, October 23, 2021

What Super Power Would I Want?

            Hey guys, welcome (back) to the Mind of One Tim Cubbin! I am your guide through an odd perspective of life, Tim Cubbin! I am a certified journalist, but cannot find a real job, so I started this blog so I could get my work out there is some way, shape, or form. I’m actually disabled, so that’s why finding a job is difficult, and all of my job applications have been either ignored or rejected, and a tabloid job just isn’t easily achievable to my personality. I mean, in this blog I get to be me, so this is actually perfect. Anyway, here we are. I’ve done over sixty posts on this blog, and I love doing this, so I keep churning out more for your reading pleasure and to make me feel like I have a purpose in life. Also, I’m living with bipolar disorder, which is why I am so… unconventional. I refuse to say “weird” or “crazy,” I find those words highly insulting, just call me… “Unique.” That’s a nice word.

            Anyway, people who know me, whether personally as a friend or family member, or people who’ve read my blog before, know I am a HUGE comic book, science fiction, horror, super hero, and Marvel fan. And I think we’ve all thought at some point in our lives, “Wouldn’t it be cool to have super powers?” I mean, some people would think, “I wouldn’t it be awesome to be a super hero?” We’ll get back to this thought in just a little bit, so hang in there, keep reading, and stay with me, the following thought wouldn’t be right at this point in my essay.

            Now, I’ve thought about this A LOT over the course of my life, “What if I had super powers?” I actually just saw on Facebook a couple of days ago that “If you could have any super power, what would you want to have?” Again, let’s get back to that, I actually have another thought that we’ll come back to and talk about another thing.

Now, who believes in extrasensory perception (ESP)? I know some of you say yes, many of you will say no. You may now choose NOT to believe what I’m about to say, but it’s something I believe to be true. In fact, it’s pretty much hereditary in my family. It’s been passed down for at least four generations (me being the latest). It’s manifested in different forms in the family, including precognitive dreams, a sense of specific death, and predictions. For me, it’s been described as intuitivity (which is, apparently not considered a real word. Hmm?). I’m actually able to subconsciously feel instant odds, and predict the most likely to occur. No, it doesn’t work for personal gain, so I’m not good at blackjack or predicting lottery numbers, it’s just very minor. For example, in roleplaying video games, when an enemy is about to appear, I can tell what it will be, and the best way to defeat it, which is very helpful. However, this doesn’t work in other video games, so in those, I’m often blindsided and not actually very good. I can even foresee certain choices a person will make on things in game shows, card games, and sometimes figure out plot lines on television shows. My specialties include “Wheel of Fortune” (I can predict exactly how specific player will play the game, such as called letters and chosen bonus puzzles, even predict who will win, and if they’ll solve the bonus puzzle. I’ve never applied to be a contestant, and I honestly should, but if I made it on the show, the wheel would go against me and I wouldn’t be the big winner, but I also wouldn’t get the $1,000 “pity prize.”); card games like Old Maid, Go Fish, and Uno; and soap operas (I could probably create and write a pretty successful show). To put it as simply as possible, and to quote Peter David’s “X-Factor (2005)” character Layla Miller, “I know stuff.” I honestly don’t expect you to believe me, sometimes I can’t even believe it myself, but I do know things a little before they happen, and I demonstrate signs of ESP. So if you believe in ESP, you can suspect I do have it. If you don’t believe in ESP, then you can just scoff and think I’m the aforementioned “w” or “c” words (which would offend me if you said them to my face), I can’t force you to believe me. It’s just all up to you.

I hope my last paragraph didn’t deter you from reading the rest of this post, so if you’re still here, you are THE BEST! Anyway, let’s get on to the point of this essay: If I could have any super power, what would I want? Now, some people would want telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind), some would want to be able to heal from any wound, some would want telepathy (the ability to read minds), some would want to have metamorphosis (the ability to change ones shape), some would want teleportation (the ability to shift from place to place in location), there are so many options. Me? Well, I’d want two things to grow out of my back: wings! I would love to be able to fly. I’m disabled, so having functioning wings that would allow me to fly, it would be the best thing in the world for me. I’d love to feel the wind in my face as my wings spread and allow me to soar in the skies. It would just be wonderful.

Now, there is another question a person with super powers may ask themselves: “What will I do with my super powers?” This is such an important question. If I had wings, what would I do with them? I could be a super hero, rescue people from things like burning buildings, or get people to places they need to get to quickly. There are several things I could do. Or I could be a super villain, like steal something and fly away before I could be caught, or pick people up and drop them from heights to kill them. Or I could just use my powers for myself. I just use them to fly from one place to another quickly and only for that purpose. I would not want to be a hero or a villain. Like I said, I would just fly for transportation or just for the feeling of being able to fly. I would use them just for myself.

Okay, well, let’s wrap this up. If you’re still here, you are THE BEST! So, I guess I’m done wasting your time. I hope you enjoyed this, and if you are on Twitter, it would be awesome if you shared what super power YOU would want and we could have a conversation going, but if not, well, that’s up to you. So I release you from this torture, and just say, as always, Tim Cubbin… out!

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