Wednesday, November 11, 2020

I Wanted a Dog Part Four

 The following is part of an original poem I wrote.

I had never lost a pet before,

And when this happens,

Anyone who has the first loss of a pet,

Knows how I felt.

The devastation had he was gone.

No more googly eyes,

No more slobbering,

No more cuddling,

No one to watch cartoons with.

It would never happen again.

And of course we hear the awful attempts at comfort.

“It was only a dog.”

Well, I have a major counter:

If your kid died,

Would you like it,

If someone said,

“It was only a child.”

Because that’s what a dog is:


You can’t replace that.

And I wanted what any dog lover wants:

A new dog.

Sure I could never replace my old dog.

You can’t expect that.

There is no replacing any living being.

To expect the same this,

Is just not going to happen.

Even an exact lookalike,

Would never be the same.

No two creatures are alike.

Still, I wanted a new dog.

A new love, a new friend, a new companion.

And time went on, and I wanted a dog.

It was just never convenient for the family.

Still, I wanted a dog.

And I wanted a dog.

And I wanted a dog.

And I got a lizard…

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